ManKind Podcast

177 - The Only Relationship & Parenting Advice That Men Need with Stefanos Sifandos

Brandon Clift & Sefanos Sifandos Episode 177

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In this episode of the Mankind Podcast, host Brandon Clift engages in a deep conversation with Stef, a trained behavioral scientist and relationship expert. They explore the complexities of modern manhood, the impact of upbringing on personal development, and the transformative journey of parenthood. Stef shares his experiences of growing up in a volatile environment and how it shaped his understanding of relationships and masculinity.

The discussion delves into the importance of vulnerability, emotional resilience, and effective communication in navigating life's challenges, particularly in the context of parenting and personal growth. In this conversation, Stef and Brandon explore the importance of taking ownership in personal growth and relationships, the impact of unresolved issues on our connections, and the role of ego in transformation. They discuss the dynamics of polarity in relationships, emphasizing the need for both masculine and feminine energies, and conclude with a call to action for men to seek healthy expressions of masculinity and accountability.

More From Stef

  • Enroll in Stef's Counscious Man Course
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BetterHelp: Get 10% Off Your First Month Of Therapy
The ManKind Podcast has partnered with Betterhelp to make it easier for listeners to access licensed mental health therapists who can aid them in their mental health journey. Brandon and Boysen stand by this service as they use BetterHelp for their therapy needs.
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