ManKind Podcast

144 - How to Claim Your Maturity and Heal the Mother Wound with Rick Belden

Episode 144
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00:00:00 | 01:07:05

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Join Boysen for a conversation with Rick Belden, a seasoned coach, poet, and artist, as we navigate the multifaceted terrain of emotional growth. Rick opens up about his personal struggles with maturity, shedding light on the notion that growing up is a continuous process, not an overnight metamorphosis. Listen in as we discuss the powerful impact of our family systems and childhood narratives on our adult relationships, and the essential work of acknowledging and healing the mother wound.

We explore the often challenging reconnection with our adolescent selves. Rick shares his insights on the ways men might sever ties with their past to cope with societal pressures, leaving scars of disconnection and self-rejection. We talk about the therapeutic benefits of communicating with our inner child through reflective questioning and letter writing, aiming to help men bridge the gap between who they were and who they are now.

Wrapping up our session, we delve into Rick's professional endeavors, from his impactful poetry to his coaching services. Discover how art can serve as a gateway to understanding complex emotions and the importance of narrative revision in the stories we tell ourselves about our lives. With an invitation to join Rick for a free 30-minute discovery session, this conversation is an open door for men to engage in meaningful dialogue that fosters individual healing and a deeper collective understanding.


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The ManKind Podcast has partnered with Betterhelp to make it easier for listeners to access licensed mental health therapists who can aid them in their mental health journey. Brandon and Boysen stand by this service as they use BetterHelp for their therapy needs.
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