ManKind Podcast

How To Heal Divides In A Polarized World | Panel Discussion | Ep #088

Brandon Clift, Benjamin Dancer, Boysen Hodgson, Jordan Bowman Episode 88

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As per a CBS news poll, 70% of the public believe that we are incapable of solving problems because we are so DIVIDED. So what does that mean for us as a species? Imminent doom?

Well, I sat down recently for a panel discussion on our show The ManKind Podcast to clarify if and how it might be possible to begin the healing process.

Key takeaways from this episode: 

  • Many today have found their identity based on what they are AGAINST instead of what they are FOR.  A social phenomenon called Schismogenesis.
  • In the past, we were more likely to disagree without the need to dehumanize the other person and consider them "Evil" simply because we disagreed with their views and opinions.
  • My triggers are often the key to discovering how I can do my healing in relation to how those I can't entirely agree with fire me up.
  • That "Bridge Building" isn't about finding "Common ground" with those we disagree with. It's about being able to disagree and debate in a healthy way that doesn't villainize the other.
  • If you are committed to healing divides, then you must be willing to change your opinion/stance on that which you are debating.

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