ManKind Podcast
The OLD mold of manhood is on its way out, leaving men feeling stuck in an outdated way of being. The ManKind Podcast gives men tools to break through these molds and show them a new way to embrace their manhood. We talk with mission-driven authors, leaders, and change-makers to share tools and insights to help you build your self and find a clear direction in life. So if you’re feeling stuck, confused about what’s next, or looking for a dose of clarity and hope in your day, stick around, and you may just come away with a better idea of the kind of man, and human being, you want to become. Created by the ManKind Project USA. Hosted by Brandon Clift and Boysen Hodgson.
ManKind Podcast
Leadership & Masculinity - The Future Of Leadership and The Role Of Men | Charles Matheus | Ep #085
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Charles Matheus is an adventurer, entrepreneur, mentor, and leadership consultant. He has led individuals and groups to the top of the highest peaks in Wyoming and to the bottom of the Grand Canyon (and back!). He uses the facilitation and coaching skills he honed in those intense, high-risk wilderness settings to support, teach, and mentor experienced and emerging leaders in business, higher education, and the nonprofit sector.
Charles is on a mission to help other men feel powerful and confident as they step away from old, unsound leadership models and toward more inclusive, flexible, and sustainable modes. Charles’s TEDx talks, keynotes, and workshops have inspired hundreds of workshop participants, and conference attendees.
Charles is a Mankind Project facilitator, men’s group coach, and acts as a consultant for several ongoing men’s empowerment, leadership, and study groups. Charles also co-hosts the “Remaking Manhood” podcast which features conversations with men and women at the forefront of the Healthy Masculinity movement.
Key takeaways from this episode:
- Should men Stand Up, Stand Down or Stand Aside so that other leaders can emerge?
- How to lead effectively in a rapidly changing world.
- Why you shouldn't be made to feel lesser than if you haven't picked up/adopted newer ideas and language around difference.
Loved Charles Matheus? Here Is How To Find Out More:
- Website: https://www.charlesmatheus.com/
- Book: Leadership & Masculinity: Embracing New Strength
- FREE Chapter: Special offer - Free Chapter
- Charle's TedX Talk:
BetterHelp: Get 10% Off Your First Month Of Therapy
The ManKind Podcast has partnered with Betterhelp to make it easier for listeners to access licensed mental health therapists who can aid them in their mental health journey. Brandon and Boysen stand by this service as they use BetterHelp for their therapy needs.
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